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Sabtu, 14 Oktober 2017

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The Escuela de Administración de Empresas (EAE Business School) is a higher education institution founded in 1958, specializing in management, with an international scope and more than 50 years of history operating as a business school.

EAE has five campuses, three of which are in Barcelona and two in Madrid, as well as offices in Mexico, Colombia and Peru, which strengthen the School’s institutional links with Latin America and run academic, cultural and professional exchange programs with academic institutions and business schools. EAE implements an active partnership policy with universities through which it offers double qualifications, with the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya in the case of programs run in Barcelona, and with the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos for studies undertaken at the Madrid campus.

Conoce EAE Business School. Opinión EAE. - YouTube


José de Orbaneja y Aragón, director of the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Industrial de Barcelona, founded EAE in 1958, with the support of the Ministry of Industry, the Barcelona Provincial Council (Diputació de Barcelona) and the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, and the collaboration of professors from the Escola d’Enginyers (College of Engineers), Carmel Cabré and Josep Maria Fondo Boronat. In 2006, Grupo Planeta bought EAE Business School.



  • Merco Ranking 2016: The School has held the same position in the education sector as the second most reputable business school in Spain for the third year in a row. In the general company league table, the School ranks in 45th place.
  • The same reports also names EAE as one of the top Spanish companies with the best talents, ranking among the Top Five Business Schools for the tenth consecutive year. With respect to the Merco Ranking of Corporate Responsibility and Governance, in the 2015 edition, EAE ranked 24th in the general company classification.
  • El Mundo Ranking 2016: For the third year in a row, the newspaper El Mundo has named six EAE masters among the best in their specialist fields in Spain (Master in Corporate Communication Management, Master in Financial Management, Master in Operations & Logistic Management, Master in Commercial & Sales Management, Master in Marketing and Commercial Management, Master in Human Resources Management).
  • The Best Global Business Schools Ranking 2016: Prepared by the journal, EAE ranks in 13th place.
  • Eduniversal Best Masters Ranking Worldwide 2015-2016: This league table ranks the Master in Corporate Communication Management, the Master in Supply Chain Management (Full Time, Executive and Blended), and the Master in Human Resources Management (Full Time, English and Executive) among the best in the world in their respective fields of knowledge.

EAE Business School | TopMBA.com

ISO 9001 international certification

EAE was the first Business School in Spain to obtain the 9001 ISO International Quality Certification.

Graduation 2016 | EAE

Academic affiliations

EAE is a full member of AEEDE (Spanish Association of Business Management Schools); EFMD (European Foundation for Management Development), EBEN (European Business Ethics Network), ForQ (Association for Quality in Training), CLADEA (Latin American Council of MBA Schools) and AACSB (The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business).

Resumen Graduación Madrid EAE Business School 2015 - YouTube

In the media

All of the accolades received, the reports published by EAE lecturers and the events organized in campus have led to the School regularly appearing on national and international media. Some of the most important media appearances are as follows:


  • “El MBA, una mirada internacional” (The MBA, an international outlook) â€" The Economist
  • “En busca de fondos para I+D e impulsar patentes” (In search of funds for R&D and promoting patents) â€" El País
  • “El Brexit no amenaza un nuevo récord” (Brexit does not threaten to set a new record) â€" La Razón
  • “Una llave para casi todo” (A key for almost everything) â€" El País
  • “Qué hacer si fallas en tu trabajo ideal” (What to do if you fail in your ideal job) â€" El Mundo (Supplement)


  • Article on the report “El gasto en comida rápida” (Expenditure on fast food) â€" Canal Extremadura Radio
  • Article on the report “El mercado del videojuego’ (The video game market) â€" A vivir que son dos días, on Cadena Ser
  • “Deuda pública 2016” (Public Debt 2016) report with Martí Pachamé, professor at EAE â€" Los desayunos de Radio Intereconomía
  • Article on the report “El mercado del videojuego” (The video game market) â€" Punto de Enlace, on RTVE
  • Panel discussion with Martí Pachamé, professor at EAE â€" La Brúixola, on Onda Cero Catalunya


  • Interview with the lecturer Francisco Isidro â€" Noticias Cuatro
  • Interview with the lecturer Lluis Soldevila â€" Guatevisión
  • Article on the report “El mercado del videojuego” (The video game market) â€" Noticias Cuatro


  • “Videojuegos para no salir de casa” (Video games to stay in for) â€" El País
  • “Los españoles gastaron 318 millones de euros en videojuegos en 2015” (Spaniards spend 318 million euros on video games in 2015) â€" El Mundo
  • “Inditex, Repsol y BBVA, empresas más capaces de atraer y retener talento en España, según Merco Talento 2015” (Inditex, Repsol and BBVA, companies able to attract and retain talent in Spain, according to Merco Talento 2015) â€" Yahoo!
  • “¿Por qué el maquillaje es tan caro?” (Why is make-up so expensive?) â€" Fucsia
  • “5 pasos para lograr una posición de directivo” (5 steps to gain an executive position) - MSN

EAE Business School's Barcelona Campus - About EAE


Programas y masters EAE Business School - YouTube

External links

  • EAE Business School Main Website
  • Online EAE Business School Main Website
